Un-Bundled Services

Many people prefer to represent themselves in their family law matters, but appreciate professional legal help with various discrete aspects of the case, such as document preparation. In Alaska, attorneys are allowed to offer “unbundled services,” which means assisting with some specific aspects of a case without assuming full representation of a client.

Colbert Family Law, LLC is pleased to offer unbundled services to those clients who require some assistance in the management of their cases. Unbundling is a way to get the legal help that you need, while controlling the expense typically associated with legal actions.

With unbundled services, the client and attorney sign a limited retainer agreement detailing the specific legal services being purchased, and the client pays only for those services. This arrangement allows the client the flexibility of handling the parts of the case he or she can manage, and the security of being able to access legal help when it is needed.

Some of the family law services offered “unbundled” by Colbert Family Law, LLC include:

  • Preparation of qualified domestic relations orders (QDROs)
  • Drafting orders in family law matters
  • Reviewing files and offering second opinions
  • Assisting clients in drafting their own pleadings
  • Reviewing and helping to formalize agreements reached through mediation
  • Helping clients prepare to attend a hearing without an attorney
  • Appearing in court for one hearing or on one issue
  • Assisting with discovery (depositions, interrogatories, requests to produce documents)

Unbundling legal services is not the best choice for every family law case—for example, where there is a significant power imbalance between parties or in cases involving complex legal issues. In many situations, though, discrete task representation is an affordable way of getting just the legal help you need to successfully manage your case.

Colbert Family Law, LLC serves clients throughout Alaska, from Anchorage and the Mat-Su Valley to remote villages. If you want to handle your family law case on your own, but need a little help, contact Colbert Family Law, LLC online or at (907) 279-5001 to discuss whether using unbundled legal services is appropriate for your circumstances.